What Does Come Si Come Sa Mean

rusita preciosa

  • #1

If something is medium / neither good nor bad, what do you say in your language?
Please provide literal translation.

English: so-so (such-such)
French: comme ci comme ça (like this like that)
Russian: так себе /tak sebe/ (such to itself)

  • #2

Italian: così così (so so)


  • #5

así así (so so)
ni fu ni fa (so so)(very coloquial)

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  • #11

In Spanish (Mexico)
We say "más o menos" / more or less

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  • #13

In Turkish:

Eh... (It's just a sound we make in this situation, it doesn't have any meaning.)

We also sometimes say:

Şöyle böyle... (lit. Like this, like that)


İdare eder ... (lit. It manages/It will manage)

French: comme ci comme ça (like this like that)

I wonder if anyone actually uses this. I've seen it in some French conversation books , but never heard it in an actual conversation.

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Juan Jacob Vilalta

  • #14

así así (so so)
ni fu ni fa (so so)(very coloquial)

In Spanish (Mexico)
We say "más o menos" / more or less

Suelo usar: Entre azul y buenas noches. ¿La conocen?

  • #18

In Chinese the expression 马马虎虎 ( mǎmǎ hūhū ) litterally means horse-tiger and is used to answer a question as " How are-you ? ".

  • #19

In Chinese the expression 马马虎虎 ( mǎmǎ hūhū ) litterally means horse-tiger and is used to answer a question as " How are-you ? ".

I believe that means you're just barely OK.

In Cantonese we always use the English 'so-so'.

  • #21

French: comme ci comme ça (like this like that)

I wonder if anyone actually uses this. I've seen it in some French conversation books , but never heard it in an actual conversation.

In Finland we use it :) (Although we write it differently: komsii komsaa)
And the other way to say the same thing in Finnish: niin tai näin (like that or like this)

  • #22

Swedish uses sådär. With translating to so/like that (specific form of the unspecified how) and där meaning there but also translating to that in all compounds such as that one, like that, etc.

Also si sådär; (lite) si och så.

  • #24

In Finland we use it :) (Although we write it differently: komsii komsaa)

Interesting: in German we sometimes say comme ci comme ça as well (unfortunately we don't have the logical Finnish spelling system...). Another expression derived from French is so lala (lit. 'so there-there') - but would là-là make any sense to French speakers in this context?

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  • #31

In Turkish:

I wonder if anyone actually uses this. I've seen it in some French conversation books , but never heard it in an actual conversation.

Any Frenchman knows the phrase and can use it, perhaps not often because using it implies some familiarity between two persons ; moreover people don't like to say they are'nt very well. When they are asked "comment ça va ? ", they generally prefer to answer : "ça va" or "pas mal ", but I'll not be surprised at all if a friend or acquaintance says : "Comme ci, comme ça ".
There is another phrase with the same meaning : "Couci- couça" , another form of "comme ci, comme ça "

What Does Come Si Come Sa Mean

Source: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/so-so-comme-ci-comme-%C3%A7a.2090131/

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