Cartoon Drawing of Mona Lisa

My finished pencil drawing of Mona Lisa

r/learnart - My finished pencil drawing of Mona Lisa

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level 1

Yoshikage Kira wants to know your location

level 1

People are so focused on the face because they know the original painting well enough. You did great :)

level 1

Everything about the shading on her clothes and the background is so unctuous . But her face looks like someone photoshopped it badly on to the rest of her. I don't even mean that the details of her face are bad just that the position is way waay waaayy off.

level 1

My what beautiful hands. I could stare at them all day. They are within themselves a separate piece. Truly extraordinary.

level 1

Although the face is slightly disproportionate, I must say your pencil technique is remarkable. Something like the Mona Lisa isn't exactly easy to replicate and you've done an amazing job. Keep using that pencil and I can tell you'll be heading to AMAZING places in terms of art :)

level 2

Thank you so much. I've been practicing using pencil and wanted to tackle this personal project. I can see why da Vinci took 12 years (some sources say) to create - the details & realism to the piece is immense. Still stands as a masterpiece 512 years after his time. That level of perfection is something else!

level 1

Damn really exposing her forehead but still better then any work i do

level 2

Thank you, yeah I need to narrow that down a bit

level 1

Great stuff, real question is Do the eyes follow u??

level 1

Drop the hairline slightly or shade the top of forehead it's so distracting for some reason.

The whole thing is amazing though really love the detail in it!

level 2

If I decide to replicate this again (or add finishing touches) I will tweak the hairline.

Thank you! Details are the best part to any artwork-it creates the sense of time and effort.

level 1

Great skills with the pencil!

The face isn't perfect but this is so common while practising. I learned the hard way to spend plenty of time checking sizing, angles, positioning and proportions of the outlines before committing to the shading!

level 2

Yes! I need to learn this invaluable skill because sometimes I jump to the shading without realizing the proportions are off. Only after the piece is finished I realize "..well shit that needs to be fixed." Thank you for the suggestion, it's important to keep in mind.

level 1

This is very well done, it looks professional. A few thing I might recommend would be 1. Use a mirror or some other means of turning the canvas around to get a good handle on wonky anatomy but I don't think it matters much if you don't 2. Draw real people. Go to a cafe order a drink or something and try to draw people or the surroundings. The Mona Lisa is absolutely stunning but it is stationary. I would also like to see some use of rudimentary shapes. If you don't like the idea of drawing in public you can always attend a drawing class of some sort. Hope this helps :)

level 2

Thank you, while creating the piece I held it up towards the mirror to see what I should change in the artwork. I've taken classes for figure drawing so I have experience with anatomy and drawing from life. I like drawing from real life but after school ended, I've been teaching myself the interdisciplinary concept of drawing, shading, line work, &value, the fundamentals of fine art that I overlooked before. Now that I have a better grasp I hope I can be more aware of these concepts when creating :)

level 1

It looks so good! Keep working on your drawings! You are talented!!

level 2

Thank you so much, I appreciate your support! Consistency & patience is the key for drawings.

level 1

12 hours??! Unreal. The shading (& everything else) is absolutely incredible. Seriously.

level 1

It looks like a photocopy of the original painting in black and white, but someone erased her face and drew a new one in. You're so close to getting it on the money

level 1

Wow, that's pretty good! The face is a little off-center, but other than that, your sketching details and values are on point.

level 1

I feel like I've seen this somewhere before.

level 1

watch out leonardo da vinci someone's coming after your job

level 1

Fantastic shading but the facial features are a bit off, breaks my heart. Check it again. The mouth is placed way too much to the left, the chin should be smaller, and the forehead is too big and wide. Also, you should make the armrest darker to amp up the contrast and the focus on her face.

level 2

I appreciate the feedback. After awhile of trying to construct the face I left it the way it is. I'll fix those things next time, thank you

Cartoon Drawing of Mona Lisa


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